St. Mark's Lutheran Church

 The window:


 The image detail:


The South Windows

The south windows of the Nave show the Lenten preparation for the joy of the Resurrection.


At last the culmination of the liturgy has come. The window nearest the altar symbolizes the moment when the faithful receive the Body and Blood of Christ. Inherent in Communion is also Baptism and its water gives the window its blue color at the bottom. Fish are taken from the water in a large dragnet as is described in one of Christ’s parables, which pulls in all people to be “sorted” at the Last Judgment.

The sacrament of Communion is illustrated next above by the supper at Emmaus, for it is because Christ was revealed in the breaking of the bread that Christians follow the ritual. The dove of the Holy Spirit descends with tongues of fire to the faithful who gathered together at Pentecost, and then were inspired to begin the outward movement of the Church.