Sunday Worship Youth & Family Music Milestones Stephen Ministry The Way
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St. Mark's Lutheran Church


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12.24.2007 - Christmas Pageant: A Night For Dancing

12.19.2007 - Cookies, Cookies and More Cookies!

12.19.2007 - Kids' Day Out

12.16.2007 - Making Advent Wreaths

12.16.2007 - Primary Student Bible Milestone 2007

11.26.2007 - Signing with the Cross with Catechetical Students

11.26.2007 - First Communion Milestone

11.18.2007 - Lycoming College Choirs Bless St. Mark's Services

11.8.2007 - The Cross is Rehung!

11.4.2007 - Commissioning of Stephen Ministers

11.1.2007 - Blessing of the Keys - Derek Gilbert

10.31.2007 - Pastor Elkin's Second Archaeological Adventure

10.22.2007 - Consecration Sunday

10.14.2007 - Harvest Home Sunday

9.19.2007 - Milestone: 75 or more Years of Praising God

9.18.2007 - Sunday School Year Up-and-Running

9.18.2007 - 2007-08 Catechetical Students

8.7.2007 - In the Beginning . . .

8.4.2007 - The Making of "In the Beginning"

8.2.2007 - Shirts for Liberia

7.26.2007 - Shepherd of the Streets Speaks at Forum

7.11.2007 - The Bishop's Visit

7.8.2007 - Independence Day with St. Mark's

7.2.2007 - Baptism Milestone

7.1.2007 - Young Violinists Perform During Services

6.21.2007 - Captive Free Performance

6.18.2007 - Vacation Bible School 2007

6.10.2007 - Scenes from the summer picnic

6.1.2007 - Mark Kinney - Blessing of the Keys

5.22.2007 - Church Council Members Elected

5.7.2007 - Wedding Anniversary Milestone 2007

5.5.2007 - Dick Lakey's 30 Years

4.28.2007 - Sharon Comini's Mission to Feed the Hungry

4.8.2007 - Easter Egg Hunt 2007

4.5.2007 - The Passover Seder

4.1.2007 - Lycoming College Chamber Choir, Palm Sunday.

3.31.2007 - March Family Game Night

3.30.2007 - St. Mark's Confirmands Travel to Philadelphia

3.30.2007 - Sunday School Basketball teams 2007

3.17.2007 - Confirmation class leads Children’s Church

2.24.2007 - Winter retreat at Camp Mount Luther

2.17.2007 - Family Game Night

2.11.2007 - Bells to Chime Again!

2.4.2007 - All the Languages of the Good News - 2007

1.24.2007 - St. Mark's hosts United Campus Ministry

2008 Articles 2006

In the Beginning"In the Beginning . . .


. . . in the beginning of the world . . . . Well, there was nothing . . . not one thing . . . not even one idea or thought . . . Nothing."

Dick Lakey and chorusWith those words, the performance of Dick Lakey's "In the Beginning" was underway on a hot August evening.  Sixteen young actors portrayed the Creation of the Universe, in dance and movement, costume and word, while accompanied by a chorus of twenty-three members.

SerpantSunnyA large and enthusiastic crowd turned out for the performance, which was preceded by a meal highlighted by Dick Lakey's famous meatloaf and other delicacies supplied by the attendees.

The performance was the result of an intense week of work by the actors and singers, director Bernadette Jones and music director Dick Lakey, and many others.

Animals Catch the lightLet's Catch the Light

Let's catch the light, now it's so bright,
morning arise, darkness take flight.
After moonlight then comes twilight,
evenings red skies rest and delight.


Let it flowLet it Flow, Let Flow

Let it rise a little higher,
let it flow, let it flow.
Let it grow a little wider,
let it flow.


Garden of delightIn the Garden of Delight

Let's have some carrots, lettuce and radishes.
We will grow all these things in the garden of delight.


Garden of delightThe Lighter Side

When the stars give off their light,
they do sparkle and are bright,
there are many to be seen on a clear night.


Animals, Animals Everywhere

Animals, Animals Everywhere,
Animals, Animals Everywhere;
some on the land and some in the air.
Animals, Animals Everywhere,
Animals, Animals Everywhere, all of them made with love beyond compare.


AdamAdam's Anatomy

EveShoulders, chest and waist, ribs and hips, arm-pits, diaphragm, he's looking pretty good.
Elbows, arms and wrists, knees and toes, bones and ligaments, he's looking like he should.


Eve's E-natomy

Let's put this part right here, and place this piece right there.
She's beginning to look like she should.


In the beginningIn the beginningIn the beginning