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St. Mark's Lutheran Church


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12.24.2008 - Dossal Replacement Brightens Chancel

12.13.2008 - Kid's Day Out

12.12.2008 - 19th Century London Visits St. Mark's

12.2.2008 - Advent Wreath Artistry

12.2.2008 - Primary Student Bible Milestone

11.24.2008 - Makensi Doebler and Kameera Smith baptized.

11.23.2008 - Passing on Faith: First Communion

11.20.2008 - Operation Christmas Child

11.10.2008 - Lycoming College Choir Performs at Worship Service

11.2.2008 - All Saints Sunday - 2008

10.30.2008 - Consecration Sunday 2008

9.23.2008 - Bishop's Assistant Stone visits St. Mark's

9.14.2008 - Five Catechetical Students Confirmed

9.8.2008 - Heralding the Sunday School Year

9.7.2008 - Habitat for Humanity Work Day

8.30.2008 - Milestone: 70, Single and still Praising God!

8.19.2008 - Choir Camp 2008

8.17.2008 - Six Baptisms Celebrated

8.17.2008 - Blessing of the Keys - Brett & Lauren Campbell

8.3.2008 - Levi Kurt Gair baptized.

7.5.2008 - St. Mark's Celebrates Independence Day

7.2.2008 - Spectacular! VBS 2008.

6.3.2008 - Annual Congregational Picnic

5.29.2008 - The Narnia Lock-In

5.15.2008 - Women & Children's Dinner

5.13.2008 - Wedding Anniversary Milestone

4.13.2008 - Entertaining at Rose View Court

4.12.2008 - Confirmation Class Gettysburg Trip

3.25.2008 - Easter Egg Hunt 2008

3.25.2008 - Sharon Comini's Mission to New York City

3.24.2008 - The Passover Seder

3.23.2008 - Egg Dying - An Easter Tradition

3.3.2008 - Annual Youth Retreat at Camp Mt. Luther

3.3.2008 - 2008 Prayer Pillow Milestone

2.24.2008 - Pray for Carl Hieber's Dental Mission

2.4.2008 - Milestone: All the Languages of the Good News

2009 Articles 2007

2008  Confirmation Class Gettysburg TripConfirmation Class Gettysburg TripConfirmation Class Gettysburg Trip

On Saturday, March 15, at 6:00 a.m., twenty-one intrepid travelers gathered at St. Mark’s, ready to depart for Gettysburg, PA. Their number included ten catechetical students, four mentors, five parents, one husband and one pastor (in a pear tree?).

Confirmation Class Gettysburg TripAfter stopping for breakfast on the way down (MacDonald’s rocks!, they were met in Gettysburg by seminarians Matt and Lisa Schuster, who personally conducted them around the town, the battlefields, the cemetery and the Seminary. On the way home, they stopped for dinner at The Old Country Buffet (which really rocks!).

Confirmation Class Gettysburg TripSome of the students reported in with their thoughts of the day:

"I really enjoyed touring the battlefields and learning about who did what and where. And it was amazing how the tour guides knew so much about the site. I also learned a lot about the seminary and what went on there. The whole place was really interesting. It was a fun trip." ~ Riley

"My favorite thing at Gettysburg was that Nick and my dad could come. The other thing was climbing on the rocks and that everyone was there." ~ Devin

"On our trip to Gettysburg we took a tour of the battle fields and monuments in the area. We went to a lot of places but my favorites were Little and Big Round Top. At Little Round Top there was a bunch of rocks where the soldiers hid in battle. Then at Big Round Top there was a small castle-like structure which you could climb to the top of and could see almost all of the battle field." ~ Hannah

Confirmation Class Gettysburg TripConfirmation Class Gettysburg TripConfirmation Class Gettysburg Trip"On our trip to Gettysburg we saw many interesting things. Some of the interesting things I saw were the monuments. Each state that fought in the war had its own monument. For example, the Pennsylvania monument was the largest; all around it were all of the names of the Pennsylvanians that fought and died for our Country. Another interesting thing I saw was the Lutheran Seminary Church. Inside it had beautiful stain glass windows that cannot be made today. Also, the church bought a new organ a few years back and you can see the pipes that go up to the ceiling. Our trip to Gettysburg was a very fun and interesting trip." ~ Brandon

Confirmation Class Gettysburg TripConfirmation Class Gettysburg Trip"My favorite thing was hanging out with friends from church. Climbing 64 stairs to the top of the Pennsylvania monument— felt like they would never end! One thing that made it a lot better than last year was that we barely had to walk. We explored the rocks above Devil’s Den and a lot of us nearly fell. I thought it was cool that Samuel Simon Schmucker’s (the founder of the Seminary and an abolitionist) house was a stop for the Underground Railroad". ~ Sara

"One thing on the trip that I found was most interesting was the Eternal Light Peace Memorial. I liked it best because I thought it was neat that they have it lit all the time. After the war was over, more than 1,800 Civil War Veterans helped dedicate this memorial to "Peace Eternal in a Nation United." ~ Paige

Confirmation Class Gettysburg TripConfirmation Class Gettysburg TripConfirmation Class Gettysburg Trip

My most favorite part was...well, there are two: Little Round Top and Old Country Buffet. One of the things that I found that was really interesting was that at Samuel Simon Schmucker’s house, during the Battle of Gettysburg, when the South had control of Seminary Ridge, his library was ransacked—save for one book: The Bible. ~ Declan