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St. Mark's Lutheran Church


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12.20.2009 - Christmas Eve 2009

12.19.2009 - Trees of Hope

12.19.2009 - Kids Day out

12.13.2009 - Caroling & Cookies

12.1.2009 - Advent Wreaths 2009

11.23.2009 - A Day of Milestones

11.2.2009 - Honoring our Saints

10.31.2009 - New Confirmands Recognized

10.4.2009 - Blanket Sunday

9.23.2009 - Welcome to Missionary Bette McCrandall

9.22.2009 - St. Mark's Organ Celebrates 70 Years

9.18.2009 - St. Mark's Welcomes Bishop Driesen

9.16.2009 - Five Confirmed

9.10.2009 - The Progressions Milestone

9.8.2009 - Grand Slam Parade

9.8.2009 - Confirmation Camp

8.28.2009 - Summer Choir Camp a Success!

7.23.2009 - American Rescue Workers Forum

7.23.2009 - Thrivent Build - 2009

7.8.2009 - Independence Day Hospitality

7.6.2009 - You're a Good Man Charlie Brown

6.19.2009 - At the picnic!

6.15.2009 - St. Mark's Vacation Bible School 2009

5.26.2009 - 2009 Woman and Children's Banquet

5.22.2009 - New Council Members Elected

5.7.2009 - 2008-09 Annual Report posted

5.2.2009 - Clothing Sale Success

4.26.2009 - Church Yard Work Day 2009

4.21.2009 - Iron Chef Williamsport

4.14.2009 - Annual Easter Egg Hunt

4.12.2009 - Two Baptisms at the Easter Vigil

4.11.2009 - The Passover Seder

4.10.2009 - Crosses for Palm Sunday

4.9.2009 - Pysanky!!

4.1.2009 - Blessing of the Keys - Katie Schmitt

4.1.2009 - United Campus Ministry "Mission Possible"

3.30.2009 - Catechetical Adventure

3.25.2009 - The Spoon of Doom Challenge for Family Promise

2.24.2009 - Catechetical Retreat 2009

2.19.2009 - St. Mark’s Lions put on a good show!

2.15.2009 - Video Testament: Pastor Elkin discusses Mark

1.26.2009 - We Went Bowling!

1.12.2009 - Passing on Faith: REMEMBRANCE of BAPTISM 2009

2010 Articles 2008

Todd Smith at the Thrivent BuildHabitat for HumanityThrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity Logo


St. Mark's is pleased to be working with the Lycoming County Lutheran community and Thrivent on the most recent Habitat for Humanity home in Williamsport. The home, located on Memorial Avenue on the site of a fire destroyed home, is rising from the ground rather quickly as a result of help from both local and out-of-state volunteers.

Gary Weber securing joistsOn July 18, a small St. Mark's crew worked on the project. The original plan was to perform insulation work, but the project's needs changed, and so did our plans. The smaller crew, consisting of Todd Smith and Gary Weber spent the day on various small projects - necessary but not crew intensive.

The day's tasks included repair of siding and placement of a meter base, joist work, porch roofing, hauling dry wall, scaffold construction and back porch construction. A busy day ended with a tired crew - that was encouraged by the home's steady progress to completion.

Porch constructionRoof work