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St. Mark's Lutheran Church


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12.20.2009 - Christmas Eve 2009

12.19.2009 - Trees of Hope

12.19.2009 - Kids Day out

12.13.2009 - Caroling & Cookies

12.1.2009 - Advent Wreaths 2009

11.23.2009 - A Day of Milestones

11.2.2009 - Honoring our Saints

10.31.2009 - New Confirmands Recognized

10.4.2009 - Blanket Sunday

9.23.2009 - Welcome to Missionary Bette McCrandall

9.22.2009 - St. Mark's Organ Celebrates 70 Years

9.18.2009 - St. Mark's Welcomes Bishop Driesen

9.16.2009 - Five Confirmed

9.10.2009 - The Progressions Milestone

9.8.2009 - Grand Slam Parade

9.8.2009 - Confirmation Camp

8.28.2009 - Summer Choir Camp a Success!

7.23.2009 - American Rescue Workers Forum

7.23.2009 - Thrivent Build - 2009

7.8.2009 - Independence Day Hospitality

7.6.2009 - You're a Good Man Charlie Brown

6.19.2009 - At the picnic!

6.15.2009 - St. Mark's Vacation Bible School 2009

5.26.2009 - 2009 Woman and Children's Banquet

5.22.2009 - New Council Members Elected

5.7.2009 - 2008-09 Annual Report posted

5.2.2009 - Clothing Sale Success

4.26.2009 - Church Yard Work Day 2009

4.21.2009 - Iron Chef Williamsport

4.14.2009 - Annual Easter Egg Hunt

4.12.2009 - Two Baptisms at the Easter Vigil

4.11.2009 - The Passover Seder

4.10.2009 - Crosses for Palm Sunday

4.9.2009 - Pysanky!!

4.1.2009 - Blessing of the Keys - Katie Schmitt

4.1.2009 - United Campus Ministry "Mission Possible"

3.30.2009 - Catechetical Adventure

3.25.2009 - The Spoon of Doom Challenge for Family Promise

2.24.2009 - Catechetical Retreat 2009

2.19.2009 - St. Mark’s Lions put on a good show!

2.15.2009 - Video Testament: Pastor Elkin discusses Mark

1.26.2009 - We Went Bowling!

1.12.2009 - Passing on Faith: REMEMBRANCE of BAPTISM 2009

2010 Articles 2008

Confirmation Camp PicnicConfirmation Camp 2009


It's that time of year again - between the end of school and the Little League World Series - time for confirmation camp at St. Mark's.

Every other year, all of the confirmands are treated to a very intense three day session with Pastor Elkin. Camp activities range from Bible and hymnal study, to exploring the Nave, to a field trip.

Confirmation Camp picnicEvery day, the campers started and ended with a worship service. In addition to worship, the confirmands studied the service, examining the different parts of the hymnal and learning how to use it. The Easter Vigil service was explored in detail.

The history of the Lutheran Church wasConfirmation Camp picnic explored, with great emphasis on the role of Martin Luther in its creation. This was combined with a survey of the Bible, and its books and organization.

The St. Mark's stained glass windows tell many stories, and an interactive session examined the artwork and symbolism of the windows.

Of course, one of the most important lessons of confirmation is the role of the Christian in the community. With that in mind, the confirmands visited several local agencies that provide services for the needy. A tour of the American Rescue Workers facility was a real eye-opener for some of the kids.

T The session ended with a big test - and then a bit of fun. The Pastor hosted the confirmands and families at his home for a pool party and picnic.

Confirmation Camp picnic